Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Advantages of Cycling

  1. Lots of exercise: No need of spending monthly fees on GYM other weight reduction programs.
  2. Save FUEL : U don't need any fossil fuel for cycling.
  3. Pollution Control : As there is no carbon monoxide production.
  4. Take a ride on Foot Path : As cycles are not banned on foot path.
  5. Easy Movement : In Traffic signal compared to Motorbikes & CARS.
  6. No road taxes : on the new bicycle.
  7. Don't need a Driving license.
  8. Yearly depreciation :Businessmen can take about 20% yearly depreciation on these.
  9. Sustainable Transport:Carry all monthly groceries, vegetables, fruits from your market.
  10. Time Management: Waiting for a BUS,A Traffic signal. Can be the first to leave a traffic signal.
  11. Transportation Cost : Cost of Shifting a Cycle is much lesser than a Motorcycle or a 4 wheeler.
  12. Maintenance Cost: Very less compared to others.
  13. Servicing : Can be serviced by urself
  14. Cleaning : Need Just 1/2 bucket of water or a small piece cloth is also ok.
  15. Speed : Can reach speed up to 40kms.
  16. Easy Ride : My cycle have got 24 gears & others(petrol/diesel vehicles) its just have 6

1 comment:

Unknown said...

good news for cyclists -

the British Heart Foundation which had conducted a study to understand the effects of pollution on cardiovascular systems of our body assures, that the news is not that bad for the cyclists around the world. For most cyclists as they suggest, the benefits to their heart health from regular exercise far outweighs risk from pollution. Cycling as advocated by BHF is a great way to keep fit, and combined with a balanced diet rich in fruit and vegetables, can help keep our heart healthy.